Franchise Innovations For You, LLC.Franchise Innovations For You, LLC.

FREE Coaching Service: E-2 Visa and EB-5 Visa Specialists.


Franchise Profile

  • Total Investment: $66,850 - $136,000
  • Cash Investment: $66,850
  • Business Type: Franchise
  • In Business Since : 2010
  • Training & Support: Yes


THE SEALS brings a military-like proficiency and efficiency to commercial kitchen sealing needs. We help restaurant operators save money and improve health inspection scores when it comes to the ongoing requirement to replace torn refrigeration gaskets.

We also provide our customers with new cutting boards, hot-side gaskets, door sweeps & closers, strip curtains, hinge repairs, and basic handyman repairs. The best customers are restaurants like Applebee’s, Outback, Jason’s Deli, Olive Garden, PF Chang’s, Panera and the like. These restaurants have large kitchens, corporate service mandates, and they pay their bills in a timely manner via a corporate accounts payable department. Multi-unit fast food operators are also great accounts. We also service locally-owned restaurants, but will do so only on a COD basis.

In addition to working with restaurants, we also work with Supermarkets, Convenience Store Operators, Hotels, Colleges, Country Clubs, School Systems, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, and Hospitality Venues. Anyone that has commercial refrigeration units.

Demand for Refrigeration Gaskets

Replacing commercial refrigeration gaskets is something that kitchen operators must oversee on a regular basis for 2 compelling reasons:
1. Gaskets wear out—as often as monthly in heavily used locations. Failure to replace them causes cooling problems for the refrigeration system. This can lead to food spoilage and ultimately the need to replace expensive compressors.

2. Gaskets are required to be replaced by health inspectors when torn or moldy.

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